DITL_300_Help Dialog.txt Items: (3 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=297, y1=197, x2=357, y2=217 Type: 4 Info: 'DONE' 1: Bounds: x1=6, y1=6, x2=358, y2=186 Type: 0 Info: '˜0' 2: Bounds: x1=6, y1=189, x2=294, y2=217 Type: -64 Info: ',' DITL_270.txt Items: (11 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=119, y1=112, x2=179, y2=132 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=28, y1=112, x2=88, y2=132 Type: 4 Info: 'Cancel' 2: Bounds: x1=56, y1=72, x2=77, y2=89 Type: 6 Info: '' 3: Bounds: x1=76, y1=72, x2=97, y2=89 Type: 6 Info: '' 4: Bounds: x1=96, y1=72, x2=117, y2=89 Type: 6 Info: '' 5: Bounds: x1=116, y1=72, x2=137, y2=89 Type: 6 Info: '' 6: Bounds: x1=136, y1=72, x2=157, y2=89 Type: 6 Info: '' 7: Bounds: x1=16, y1=72, x2=56, y2=88 Type: -120 Info: 'Slow' 8: Bounds: x1=161, y1=72, x2=193, y2=88 Type: -120 Info: 'Fast' 9: Bounds: x1=161, y1=16, x2=193, y2=48 Type: -96 Info: 'ˆ' 10: Bounds: x1=16, y1=16, x2=136, y2=32 Type: -120 Info: 'Animation Speed' DITL_269_Color Winner.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=317, y1=164, x2=385, y2=183 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=416, y2=240 Type: -64 Info: '†' DITL_268_CantPlace.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=122, y1=15, x2=182, y2=35 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=3, y1=47, x2=198, y2=84 Type: -120 Info: 'Losing income due to lack of space to put them.' DITL_267_TooManyAs.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=107, y1=12, x2=167, y2=32 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=3, y1=44, x2=166, y2=106 Type: -120 Info: 'A single country can contain at most 99 armies.' DITL_266_Player Info.txt Items: (48 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=320, y1=256, x2=385, y2=276 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=240, y1=256, x2=304, y2=276 Type: 4 Info: 'Cancel' 2: Bounds: x1=104, y1=8, x2=144, y2=40 Type: 0 Info: '' 3: Bounds: x1=152, y1=8, x2=192, y2=40 Type: 0 Info: '' 4: Bounds: x1=200, y1=8, x2=240, y2=40 Type: 0 Info: '' 5: Bounds: x1=248, y1=8, x2=288, y2=40 Type: 0 Info: '' 6: Bounds: x1=296, y1=8, x2=336, y2=40 Type: 0 Info: '' 7: Bounds: x1=344, y1=8, x2=384, y2=40 Type: 0 Info: '' 8: Bounds: x1=104, y1=48, x2=124, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 9: Bounds: x1=128, y1=48, x2=148, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 10: Bounds: x1=104, y1=72, x2=124, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 11: Bounds: x1=128, y1=72, x2=148, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 12: Bounds: x1=152, y1=48, x2=172, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 13: Bounds: x1=176, y1=48, x2=196, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 14: Bounds: x1=152, y1=72, x2=172, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 15: Bounds: x1=176, y1=72, x2=196, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 16: Bounds: x1=200, y1=48, x2=220, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 17: Bounds: x1=224, y1=48, x2=244, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 18: Bounds: x1=200, y1=72, x2=220, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 19: Bounds: x1=224, y1=72, x2=244, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 20: Bounds: x1=248, y1=48, x2=268, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 21: Bounds: x1=272, y1=48, x2=292, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 22: Bounds: x1=248, y1=72, x2=268, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 23: Bounds: x1=272, y1=72, x2=292, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 24: Bounds: x1=296, y1=48, x2=316, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 25: Bounds: x1=320, y1=48, x2=340, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 26: Bounds: x1=296, y1=72, x2=316, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 27: Bounds: x1=320, y1=72, x2=340, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 28: Bounds: x1=344, y1=48, x2=364, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 29: Bounds: x1=368, y1=48, x2=388, y2=64 Type: 6 Info: '' 30: Bounds: x1=344, y1=72, x2=364, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 31: Bounds: x1=368, y1=72, x2=388, y2=88 Type: 6 Info: '' 32: Bounds: x1=16, y1=16, x2=48, y2=48 Type: -96 Info: 'Š' 33: Bounds: x1=56, y1=16, x2=88, y2=48 Type: -96 Info: 'ˆ' 34: Bounds: x1=16, y1=56, x2=48, y2=88 Type: -96 Info: '‰' 35: Bounds: x1=56, y1=56, x2=88, y2=88 Type: -96 Info: '‡' 36: Bounds: x1=8, y1=96, x2=96, y2=240 Type: -120 Info: 'Countries Armies Income Total Income Victories Defeats Attack Defense' 37: Bounds: x1=104, y1=96, x2=144, y2=240 Type: -120 Info: '' 38: Bounds: x1=152, y1=96, x2=192, y2=240 Type: -120 Info: '' 39: Bounds: x1=200, y1=96, x2=240, y2=240 Type: -120 Info: '' 40: Bounds: x1=248, y1=96, x2=288, y2=240 Type: -120 Info: '' 41: Bounds: x1=296, y1=96, x2=336, y2=240 Type: -120 Info: '' 42: Bounds: x1=344, y1=96, x2=384, y2=240 Type: -120 Info: '' 43: Bounds: x1=4, y1=4, x2=389, y2=245 Type: -128 Info: '' 44: Bounds: x1=4, y1=92, x2=389, y2=151 Type: -128 Info: '' 45: Bounds: x1=4, y1=4, x2=100, y2=245 Type: -128 Info: 'W' 46: Bounds: x1=7, y1=258, x2=145, y2=278 Type: -120 Info: 'Current Risk Value' 47: Bounds: x1=152, y1=258, x2=193, y2=278 Type: -120 Info: '' DITL_265_Mono Winner.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=317, y1=164, x2=385, y2=183 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=0, y1=0, x2=416, y2=240 Type: -64 Info: '…' DITL_264_SaveFirst.txt Items: (4 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=16, y1=56, x2=76, y2=76 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=88, y1=56, x2=148, y2=76 Type: 4 Info: 'Cancel' 2: Bounds: x1=160, y1=56, x2=220, y2=76 Type: 4 Info: 'Save' 3: Bounds: x1=64, y1=17, x2=214, y2=34 Type: -120 Info: 'Ok to not save game?' DITL_263_ShowCards.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=103, y1=16, x2=163, y2=36 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=8, y1=57, x2=189, y2=105 Type: 8 Info: 'You have more than four cards. Get ready to turn in sets.' DITL_262_HandTooBig.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=107, y1=12, x2=167, y2=32 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=3, y1=44, x2=184, y2=94 Type: -120 Info: 'You must trade in sets so that you have fewer than five cards left.' DITL_261_Bad Cards.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=129, y1=21, x2=189, y2=41 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=6, y1=59, x2=215, y2=98 Type: -120 Info: 'The cards you have selected don't make up a proper set.' DITL_260_Cards.txt Items: (20 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=369, y1=232, x2=429, y2=252 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=368, y1=192, x2=428, y2=212 Type: 4 Info: 'Cancel' 2: Bounds: x1=8, y1=8, x2=88, y2=128 Type: -128 Info: '' 3: Bounds: x1=8, y1=128, x2=28, y2=144 Type: 5 Info: '' 4: Bounds: x1=184, y1=8, x2=264, y2=128 Type: -128 Info: '' 5: Bounds: x1=184, y1=128, x2=204, y2=144 Type: 5 Info: '' 6: Bounds: x1=360, y1=8, x2=440, y2=128 Type: -128 Info: '' 7: Bounds: x1=360, y1=128, x2=380, y2=144 Type: 5 Info: '' 8: Bounds: x1=96, y1=152, x2=176, y2=272 Type: -128 Info: '' 9: Bounds: x1=96, y1=272, x2=116, y2=288 Type: 5 Info: '' 10: Bounds: x1=272, y1=152, x2=352, y2=272 Type: -128 Info: '' 11: Bounds: x1=272, y1=272, x2=292, y2=288 Type: 5 Info: '' 12: Bounds: x1=96, y1=8, x2=176, y2=128 Type: -128 Info: '' 13: Bounds: x1=96, y1=128, x2=116, y2=144 Type: 5 Info: '' 14: Bounds: x1=272, y1=8, x2=352, y2=128 Type: -128 Info: '' 15: Bounds: x1=272, y1=128, x2=292, y2=144 Type: 5 Info: '' 16: Bounds: x1=8, y1=152, x2=88, y2=272 Type: -128 Info: '' 17: Bounds: x1=8, y1=272, x2=28, y2=288 Type: 5 Info: '' 18: Bounds: x1=184, y1=152, x2=264, y2=272 Type: -128 Info: '' 19: Bounds: x1=184, y1=272, x2=204, y2=288 Type: 5 Info: '' DITL_259_Combat.txt Items: (15 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=240, y1=160, x2=300, y2=180 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=8, y1=160, x2=68, y2=180 Type: 4 Info: 'Cancel' 2: Bounds: x1=8, y1=24, x2=200, y2=40 Type: 6 Info: 'Once' 3: Bounds: x1=8, y1=40, x2=184, y2=56 Type: 6 Info: 'Until win or lose' 4: Bounds: x1=8, y1=56, x2=200, y2=72 Type: 6 Info: 'Until win or losses exceed' 5: Bounds: x1=208, y1=56, x2=232, y2=72 Type: -112 Info: '0' 6: Bounds: x1=176, y1=88, x2=208, y2=104 Type: 6 Info: '1' 7: Bounds: x1=208, y1=88, x2=240, y2=104 Type: 6 Info: '2' 8: Bounds: x1=240, y1=88, x2=272, y2=104 Type: 6 Info: '3' 9: Bounds: x1=144, y1=128, x2=216, y2=144 Type: 6 Info: 'Manual' 10: Bounds: x1=216, y1=128, x2=304, y2=144 Type: 6 Info: 'Automatic' 11: Bounds: x1=8, y1=8, x2=190, y2=24 Type: -120 Info: 'Attacks per mouse click:' 12: Bounds: x1=240, y1=56, x2=288, y2=72 Type: -120 Info: 'armies' 13: Bounds: x1=8, y1=88, x2=167, y2=103 Type: -120 Info: 'Number of dice to roll:' 14: Bounds: x1=8, y1=128, x2=144, y2=144 Type: -120 Info: 'Army advancement:' DITL_258_Report.txt Items: (1 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=3, y1=1, x2=499, y2=59 Type: 8 Info: '^0' DITL_257_Players.txt Items: (58 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=296, y1=216, x2=360, y2=236 Type: 4 Info: 'OK' 1: Bounds: x1=296, y1=240, x2=360, y2=260 Type: 4 Info: 'Cancel' 2: Bounds: x1=64, y1=32, x2=208, y2=48 Type: -112 Info: 'Player1' 3: Bounds: x1=64, y1=64, x2=208, y2=80 Type: -112 Info: 'Player2' 4: Bounds: x1=64, y1=96, x2=208, y2=112 Type: -112 Info: 'Player3' 5: Bounds: x1=64, y1=128, x2=208, y2=144 Type: -112 Info: 'Player4' 6: Bounds: x1=64, y1=160, x2=208, y2=176 Type: -112 Info: 'Player5' 7: Bounds: x1=64, y1=192, x2=208, y2=208 Type: -112 Info: 'Player6' 8: Bounds: x1=16, y1=24, x2=56, y2=56 Type: 0 Info: '' 9: Bounds: x1=16, y1=56, x2=56, y2=88 Type: 0 Info: '' 10: Bounds: x1=16, y1=88, x2=56, y2=120 Type: 0 Info: '' 11: Bounds: x1=16, y1=120, x2=56, y2=152 Type: 0 Info: '' 12: Bounds: x1=16, y1=152, x2=56, y2=184 Type: 0 Info: '' 13: Bounds: x1=16, y1=184, x2=56, y2=216 Type: 0 Info: '' 14: Bounds: x1=224, y1=32, x2=244, y2=48 Type: 6 Info: '' 15: Bounds: x1=256, y1=32, x2=276, y2=48 Type: 6 Info: '' 16: Bounds: x1=288, y1=32, x2=308, y2=48 Type: 6 Info: '' 17: Bounds: x1=320, y1=32, x2=340, y2=48 Type: 6 Info: '' 18: Bounds: x1=352, y1=32, x2=372, y2=48 Type: 6 Info: '' 19: Bounds: x1=224, y1=64, x2=244, y2=80 Type: 6 Info: '' 20: Bounds: x1=256, y1=64, x2=276, y2=80 Type: 6 Info: '' 21: Bounds: x1=288, y1=64, x2=308, y2=80 Type: 6 Info: '' 22: Bounds: x1=320, y1=64, x2=340, y2=80 Type: 6 Info: '' 23: Bounds: x1=352, y1=64, x2=372, y2=80 Type: 6 Info: '' 24: Bounds: x1=224, y1=96, x2=244, y2=112 Type: 6 Info: '' 25: Bounds: x1=256, y1=96, x2=276, y2=112 Type: 6 Info: '' 26: Bounds: x1=288, y1=96, x2=308, y2=112 Type: 6 Info: '' 27: Bounds: x1=320, y1=96, x2=340, y2=112 Type: 6 Info: '' 28: Bounds: x1=352, y1=96, x2=372, y2=112 Type: 6 Info: '' 29: Bounds: x1=224, y1=128, x2=244, y2=144 Type: 6 Info: '' 30: Bounds: x1=256, y1=128, x2=276, y2=144 Type: 6 Info: '' 31: Bounds: x1=288, y1=128, x2=308, y2=144 Type: 6 Info: '' 32: Bounds: x1=320, y1=128, x2=340, y2=144 Type: 6 Info: '' 33: Bounds: x1=352, y1=128, x2=372, y2=144 Type: 6 Info: '' 34: Bounds: x1=224, y1=160, x2=244, y2=176 Type: 6 Info: '' 35: Bounds: x1=256, y1=160, x2=276, y2=176 Type: 6 Info: '' 36: Bounds: x1=288, y1=160, x2=308, y2=176 Type: 6 Info: '' 37: Bounds: x1=320, y1=160, x2=340, y2=176 Type: 6 Info: '' 38: Bounds: x1=352, y1=160, x2=372, y2=176 Type: 6 Info: '' 39: Bounds: x1=224, y1=192, x2=244, y2=208 Type: 6 Info: '' 40: Bounds: x1=256, y1=192, x2=276, y2=208 Type: 6 Info: '' 41: Bounds: x1=288, y1=192, x2=308, y2=208 Type: 6 Info: '' 42: Bounds: x1=320, y1=192, x2=340, y2=208 Type: 6 Info: '' 43: Bounds: x1=352, y1=192, x2=372, y2=208 Type: 6 Info: '' 44: Bounds: x1=80, y1=8, x2=176, y2=24 Type: -120 Info: 'Player's Name' 45: Bounds: x1=8, y1=8, x2=64, y2=24 Type: -120 Info: 'Pattern' 46: Bounds: x1=216, y1=0, x2=248, y2=32 Type: -96 Info: 'Š' 47: Bounds: x1=248, y1=0, x2=280, y2=32 Type: -96 Info: 'ˆ' 48: Bounds: x1=280, y1=0, x2=312, y2=32 Type: -96 Info: '‰' 49: Bounds: x1=312, y1=0, x2=344, y2=32 Type: -96 Info: '‡' 50: Bounds: x1=8, y1=240, x2=120, y2=256 Type: 6 Info: '5, 5, 5, 5, É' 51: Bounds: x1=8, y1=256, x2=160, y2=272 Type: 6 Info: '4, 5, 6, 7, 8, É' 52: Bounds: x1=8, y1=272, x2=146, y2=288 Type: 6 Info: '4, 6, 8, 10, 15, É' 53: Bounds: x1=8, y1=224, x2=144, y2=240 Type: -120 Info: 'Set Value Option' 54: Bounds: x1=296, y1=264, x2=360, y2=284 Type: 4 Info: 'Help' 55: Bounds: x1=160, y1=242, x2=235, y2=259 Type: 6 Info: 'Random' 56: Bounds: x1=160, y1=260, x2=236, y2=278 Type: 6 Info: 'Rotation' 57: Bounds: x1=160, y1=225, x2=280, y2=241 Type: -120 Info: 'Initial Territories'